Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Central Texas Dove Hunt 2013

Here is some fun footage with me and hubby from some dove hunting we did last year. We just set up the camera on the ground and went with it; sorry there aren't any pics of the birds flying, but its just us having fun. Hope you enjoy


  1. Wow CC! This is awesome - it is fun to watch you guys having a great time! I'll say hello on twitter later, but wanted to tell you that I love your blog, and I'll be reading the rest of it soon... and looking forward to more :) You are very inspiring, after watching that video I feel like being out in the sun with my gun too... maybe I'll go hunt some hares this weekend!

  2. Thank you Marishka! (glad you are able to comment on here even though you're not in the states haha-silly rules!) Dove hunting is definitely of the most laid back kind of hunting we do; always a good time, and yes that sun was insanely hot! Texas in September is still summer so probably close to 100 degrees that weekend!
