A short while ago I ‘met’ someone on Twitter and began a
conversation with her. Her name was Colleen and she said something to me that I
have never heard a hunter say. She said she HATED hunting. I have heard a lot
of women say they disliked it, didn’t know much about it, or just say “it’s not
for me” but from her Twitter profile she looked like a hunter in love with
every aspect of it. Of course I wanted to know more because there had to be
something behind such a strong HATE of hunting.
She sent me her story because I knew I had to get this out
to everyone to read and possibly relate to, learn from, and most importantly
support her. I’ve read over her words numerous times trying to figure out how
to present this on my blog to everyone and realized this - it is not my story to
tell, this is hers. I can put it in my own words, edit it or change it to a Q
& A session but I think the true meaning and emotion would be removed from her
So instead of me writing about her and her story, I think it’s
best to let her tell it for you. Please be kind to her words because this was
her pouring her emotions and thoughts out and continue to support her the way
you always support me.
Meet Colleen and her Hate & Love Relationship with
I grew up loving the woods, loving nature, always outdoors,
but never ever having anyone in my family hunt. We were the family that would
feed bambi & I never understood people that would hunt deer; it seemed
inhumane to me. Fast forward to my
freshman year in college 11 years ago when I was first introduced to hunting. I
started dating this really cute football player who was fun, outgoing, made me
laugh, but a hunter, & not just your typical hunter. This guy was into it,
his family hunted, & all his friends hunted. We would go to parties and hunting
was always a topic that would be brought up, there would be stories about deer
camp, talks about who has shot the largest buck, etc. We started dating in the middle of hunting
season so one of our first trips back to his house, his friend called and said
he shot a monster & wanted us to come down & see it. We pulled up to
his friends and out & hanging from a rope in his garage was this adorable
buck. My facial expression must have said it all because my now husband looked
at me and said, ‘bet you have never seen anything like this before.’ I looked at him and said ‘oh this is cool’,
but in my head was like what is wrong with these people, what did this poor
animal do to them?!
Needless to say that was just the beginning, as mid-summer
came around Derek would always go out to take walks in the woods to look for
sheds, put out trail cameras, set stands, & find that tree with rubs around
it that looked like it would be a great place to hunt. He would spend hours upon hours doing this
kind of stuff, which to me I was thinking ‘why don’t you want to spend time
with me, all you have to do is go set up some stupid stand and wait for a deer
to come by.’ He would be so excited to go back out & look at the pictures
on his trail camera; again something I did not understand, basically none of it
ever made sense.
Fast forward to hunting season, the season I would proclaim
I was basically single because all he did, talked about, dreamed about, and
thought about was hunting. It was so annoying & bad to me one year that I
made him dress up as a deer & me as a hunter for Halloween because I told
him that was the only way I would ever get him to notice me. If we argued it
was always about hunting, how he would spend Friday nights in so he could wake
up early to hunt all day Saturday, how he would come back from hunting all day
& then we would have to go to his cousins or friends to see what they
shot. We would walk into these garages,
where a bunch of guys were gathered around this deer that was dead, high fiving
one another, drinking beer, laughing, telling stories, & just having a good
time. I would usually look at these
people and think to myself you have got to be kidding me, they call this a
sport, and this is a joke & a shame. I was even at a hunting show one time & had 2 men approach me asking
if they could tape me hunting; my response was ‘um hunting is dumb, I am only
here because my husband hunts, sorry.’ That’s a moment though I now regret more than ever.
Needless to say for NINE years this was my mentality when it
came to anytime Derek spoke about it. In
2012 though that all changed. We were out one night & Derek said to me, “want
to go hunting with me, I really think you would enjoy it, you can see what it
is all about.” I quickly responded with
my typical, “no, why would I want to do that?”
But then said you know what I will go with you, just to prove to you how
dumb it really is. He got this big
smile on his face & said ‘I am telling you, you are going to love it.’ We woke up that Saturday morning, it was 20 degrees
out (I hate the cold with a passion), he gave me his hunting clothes, so of
course nothing fit right, his hunting boots, which made my feet look like clown
feet & was spraying me down with this stuff so deer couldn’t smell me. I remember it being 5 am and thinking, oh my
God why did you wake up for this, just go back to bed, but I went though.
It was the first Saturday of rifle for PA so we went into
the woods in the pitch black & finally got to our ground blind. I just remember how calm it was sitting there
in the woods with the sun coming up & the woods coming alive around us
& thinking hmmm this is pretty cool. Turkeys were walking by, squirrels everywhere, beautiful birds, & of
course a few deer. This was the day I
started to understand what hunting was really all about. Even though Derek did not have any shots at
any deer that day, his pap sure did! Derek
got a call saying “pap got one, pap got one” from one of his cousins who was
also out there with us that day. We left
the ground blind and started walking through the woods to meet up with all his
cousins, uncles, dad & pap to go search for this buck. His pap was so excited he could barely catch
his breath, it only took a few minutes to track & once we found it, it all
clicked. Everyone started high fiving, hugging,
congratulating his pap, & then his pap was sitting there taking pictures
& telling the story on how he shot it; which from listening to his story I
learned it was the first buck at age 78 that he ever shot with a rifle. To be a part of that moment and see a family
come together like that & to have everyone be so happy for him was amazing.
It showed a moment to me that so many
families in this world now lack & that is being together & being
happy. I even got to take a picture with
this deer just because I was there that day, it was just so cool to have the
opportunity to be a part of.
Throughout that year I would continue to go with my husband
every Saturday to hunt, it was such an awesome experience & that’s when I
decided maybe this is something I wanted to actually give a try too. I started talking to a great friend of mine
who is a hunter too who really encouraged me to start hunting as well; she gave
me a push & support I would need to really give it a go.
I told my husband that I wanted to try archery hunting, so
we went & got me a bow (with no pink, I hate that color) & got it all
set up. When the man at the shop showed
me how to shoot it I was like, oh wow what did I get myself in to? It was insane to me how much goes into
archery hunting & how hard it really is; I thought you pull the bow back
and shoot, but needless to say that is not the case. Every day after work I would go outside with
Derek & practice, practice, practice. I even practiced when he wasn’t there; it was such a challenge &
being the first & only female hunter in a family where if you are a guy you
literally start hunting the day after you are born, I had to make sure I was
ready to go when I got the opportunity.
2014 was my first year of archery hunting & without the support of
my husband & my friend I wouldn’t of had a clue what to do. My husband helped with hanging tree stands,
showing me how to do the little things like put a bow holder in the tree,
making sure I actually had clothes that fit & kept me warm, because I get
cold when it is 50 degrees out. We went
spotting and would walk in to check the trail cams, look for rubs & scraps,
we definitely put our time in. I was so excited
for the first Saturday of archery I could barely sleep the night before, I felt
like a kid the night before Christmas.
Now came the part that made me respect hunting, I spent 4
weekends in the woods & did not see one deer, no does, no bucks, no
nothing. Very quickly it put it into a
reality to me that this was not going to be some simple task where I climb up
into a tree, & get the opportunity to shoot a deer. I was really understanding at that point why
it is such a sport; not only do you have to hope that you are in the right spot
at the right time, but you have to hope that the deer don’t smell you, that
they don’t see you, that you actually see them; basically it is not so much
harder than any person who has never tried it could ever realize.
When someone makes your feel important, its almost impossible not to return the favor. alasteir