Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Throw Back Thursday - 2nd Grade Story

As I have said before I love to write and it seems to have started at a very early age. The following is a story I wrote in 2nd grade about a mouse that went to a baseball game.  Obviously this is not a blog related to hunting but what is interesting to see is a glimpse into my childhood and areas that seem to be disappearing in many kids childhoods today. The time spent being active and outside is evident including harvesting items from our garden and the creativity and imagination of my young self. Although 'cartoon watching' on TV was part of my childhood it pales in comparison to the time spent playing outside.
I hope you enjoy this fun little blog. I am pretty excited to type out some of the many stories I wrote as a kid because the pencil is starting to fade on the 'wide ruled' notebook paper and this is a great way of preserving it. Enjoy and have a little laugh and maybe reminisce a little too! 
P.S. The rabbit in the picture is the one in the story and although I don't look especially excited in the picture I thought it would be fun to include it.
A Mouse That Went to a Baseball Game (April 15, 1992)

Once I met a mouse. I asked him where he was going, and he said he was going to a baseball game but first he is going to the store because he needs tennis shoes. I said I would go with him. He said ok. So we went to Wal-mart and bought him a pair of high tops. So we left Wal-mart and went to the baseball game. 

We bought two root beers and two bags of cotton candy and drank our sodas. The Astros played the Missions and the Astros won the baseball game. The Astros had 24 and the Missions had 15. After the game we went out eat at Pesos. I ate enchiladas and the mouse ate chalupas. We went home and I took a bath so the mouse took a shower. We watched a movie on television and then went to bed.

When we woke up we both are pancakes and drank milk. Today was Sunday and we got our Bibles and went to church. When we came home we jumped on my trampoline. We played crack the egg. It was fun. The mouse wanted to swing on the swings. After we were through swinging we watched cartoons. By the time we were through watching T.V. it was lunch time. So we ate lunch and then we went in my room and played house. The mouse was a baby and I was the mom. We played for 30 minutes. 

So we went outside and picked carrots from the garden. We went to the strawberry patch and picked the strawberries. That was our dessert. After we ate supper we ate carrots and strawberries. We went to bed after supper. The mouse snored the whole night so I didn’t get any sleep. 

The next morning I was tired but I got up anyway. The mouse had two extra tickets to another baseball game. I told him maybe tomorrow. OK said the mouse. I ate cereal for breakfast then I brushed my teeth. The mouse used a tiny little toothbrush. 

The mouse and I went to the park. It was fun! At the park we went across the monkey bars. We had fun at the park. When we went home we got a drink. It was almost lunchtime so we jumped on the trampoline. We jumped until it was lunchtime. I ate a sandwich and the mouse ate pizza. The mouse and I always use a napkin but if we don’t we will get all dirty. 

After lunch we took a nap and watched television. We watched cartoons or Full House. Then we went to see my rabbit and let her out. She jumped around and the mouse asked what her name was. I said Felene. He said it was a pretty name. It was time to eat supper so we put Felene up and ate hot dogs. We even watched a baseball game on television. After we watch the baseball game it was late. So we went to bed. I told the mouse not to snore.

It was Monday and I took the mouse to school and showed it to Mrs. Moore. The mouse said he wanted to go to a baseball game after school. I said OK. So we did math, letters and sounds, writing and language. After that we had games. The mouse said I’m hungry. So we had a snack. School was out so we went home and got the tickets. The mouse drove a tiny mouse car and I drove a convertible. The mouse’s care was a Ford. 

We went to the baseball game. This time we bought a snow cone. I like snow cones. The dodgers were play the Red Sox. The Red Sox won because they had 20 and the Dodgers had 18. It was fun. When we got home we went to bed and I snored so the mouse snored too. The End.

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